How I Fell Into Debt and God Got me Out
I am writing tonight from the beautiful Tampa Bay area. I don’t know why this even sticks out in my mind, but I remember riding with my...

Sofá al banco del parque: movilidad hacia abajo
Notas de sermón Filipenses 2:5 5 Tengan la misma actitud que tuvo Cristo Jesús. GRAN PUNTO: Todo lo que cualquiera puede hacer para tener...

From the Couch to the Park Bench: Downward Mobility (sermon notes)
Philippians 2:5 "You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had." BIG POINT: All anyone can do to have the attitude of Christ...

Giving out of Gratitude Instead of Hoping for a Reward
Rate This In this quarter's Sabbath School lessons we have been sharing encouraging testimonies, how God has blessed us when we returned...

Tithing on Your Increase
T hou shalt truly tithe all the increase of thy seed, that the field bringeth forth year by year. Deuteronomy 14:22 KJV Tithing on your...

Trusting God Instead of Knucklehead Ideas
The question is asked on Tuesday’s section of this week’s Sabbath School lesson, “In what ways have you discovered for yourself the true...

One Singe Book
In studying this week’s lesson on being stewards of the gospel I remembered this story which I had previously shared several years ago....

How to Use the Tithe and Offering Envelope
Understandably, there are many who are unaware of the difference between tithes and offerings. Many, even seasoned members are surprised...

Seeking a Kingdom of Mansions or Righteousness?
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33 NKJV Driving along...

The Most Precious Gift Of All
The night my mother was dying, I made an emergency flight to get out to see her. Problem was, my connection flight, in Love Field in...